30 - A Guardian's Duty

From Echoes of Angmar
30 - A Guardian's Duty
Level 30
Type Solo
Region Breeland
Quest-giver Severin Wheeler
Class Guardian

Step 1: Talk to Serverin Wheeler

Severin Wheeler is in the town of Trestlebridge, in the North Downs.

Severin Wheeler has sent word from Trestlebridge that the town is under threat of attack from marauding Orcs and must be defended.     

Step 2: Defend the Trestlebridge against attacking Orcs.

Severin Wheeler: 'If you are ready, I will show you to your position. We must all take up arms to defend the town from the marauding Orcs!'

Step 3: Talk to Severin Wheeler again.

Severin Wheeler is waiting to speak with you about your defence of the town in the recent Orc-raid.