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Installation & Troubleshooting

Материал из Echoes of Angmar
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⚙️ Installation

  1. Download game files
  2. EXTRACT game files
  3. Go into the bk11 folder, then the Disk1 folder, and run lotrosetup.exe
    • Select English and Custom install.
    • Change the install path to C:/games and make sure High Resolution Textures is checked. (❗DO NOT run the Launcher after install❗)
  4. Download & Install the EoA Launcher (Note: Antivirus may quarantine the installer)
  5. Install the required desktop runtime if prompted.
  6. Patch client

🎥 Installation Video

(Click to watch step-by-step guide)

📚 Runtime Libraries

The launcher at the time of writing this uses an 8.0 Microsoft Desktop Runtime. It is important to have the proper one installed.

  • .NET 8.0 Desktop Runtime:

Download here

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable:

Download here

(This handy download fixes a lot of game launch issues)

🛜 Connection Fix Issues

There are multiple ways that connection issues can impact the process and they can manifest in different ways with different fixes. Here are some overall things to look out for as well as some fixes that worked for different people on some different things. You will see some of these repeated down below next to the ones they have been most often associated with.

Common Causes of Connection Issues

  • 🌐Check for ISP-level blocks (If you encounter a security warning (e.g., Google flags the website as risky), it could be an ISP-level block.)

Ensure you can access the website and that it is not flagged by your ISP or security software.

  • 💻Try a Different Internet Connection

Switch from Wi-Fi to wired Ethernet if possible. Wired connections tend to be more stable and reliable.

  • 🔧 Disable Your Firewall and Antivirus

Temporarily disable both your firewall and antivirus software to see if they are blocking the game’s patching process.

  • 📱 Use a Mobile Hotspot

If you're unable to connect with your home network, try using your phone’s hotspot or a USB tether connection to see if the issue is network-related.

  • 🌍 Try Using a VPN

Sometimes, your ISP might block access to the game's servers, or your connection could be throttled. Using a VPN can sometimes bypass these restrictions and improve connectivity.

🧼 Clean Wipe

If things are still not working, you may need to do a clean uninstall to reset everything.

  • Download Geek Uninstaller
  • Uninstall Echoes and the Launcher
  • Delete the launcher folder if it remains: C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Local\Echoes of Angmar Launcher
  • Completely disable antivirus or temporarily use Windows Defender.
  • Reinstall everything as Administrator for best results.

🟢 Launcher Issues

L.1 No 'Run Anyway' Option

L.2 Nothing Happens if you Click the Launcher

This issue is often caused by antivirus software (even Windows Defender). It could also be that your antivirus has corrupted the installation.

  • Uninstall Echoes Launcher
  • Disable Antivirus and real-time protection
  • Try to reinstall the launcher

This is what this process looks like with Windows Defender.

L.3 Authentication Failed

You have input an incorrect username or password.

L.4 Couldn't download the patch manifest

-Check Runtime Libraries and Connection Fix Issues.

-The server can also legitimately be down, however, oftentimes this error is a connection block. You can check in the discord for confirmation.

L.5 'Couldn't Patch'

-Right-click and run your echoeslauncher.exe as admin.

-If you get a different patch each time i.e. 4100FB1B.patch then keep running it.

-If all else fails someone can send you their own updated patch folder.

L.6 Stuck Patching

-Richt-click and run your echoeslauncher as admin.

-Sometimes it is also necessary to delete your `echoespatch` folder.

L.7 XML Cannot access eoapatch

-Only fix for this so far has been to continue restarting launcher.

-Likely caused by two instances of the launcher being open.

L.8 XML document (2,2)

Use a VPN to bypass.

Users report success with Proton VPN (NTH)

L.9 No such host is known

This indicates a DNS (Domain Name System) issue.

**More info to come


Error Error Fix

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\EdgeWebView\Application\131.0.2903.112

Step 1: Locate the Temp Files

  1. Navigate to: C:\Users\[user_id]\AppData\Local\Temp\ Replace [user_id] with your own user profile name.
  2. Look for a folder named eoa_web

Step 2: Delete the Temp Files

  • If you find the folder, delete it entirely to ensure there are no corrupted or inaccessible files.

Step 3: Adjust Permissions on the Temp Folder

  1. Right-click the Temp folder in C:\Users\[user_id]\AppData\Local\.
  2. Select Properties, go to the Security tab, and click Advanced.
  3. Ensure the following:
    • Inheritance is enabled (see previous instructions for enabling inheritance).
    • Add Everyone to the list of permissions and grant Full Control.

Step 4: Re-run the Launcher

  • After clearing and fixing permissions, try running the launcher again to see if WebView2 initializes correctly.

Step 5: Test with a New User Account

If permissions or corrupted temp files are tied to the specific user profile:

  1. Create a new Windows user account.
  2. Log in with the new account and install/run the launcher.

L.11 Webview2 Runtime installtion host

You can try using the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Evergreen Standalone Installer. If that doesn't work it may require editing the registry.

After a lot of searching i found a registry edit that allowed me to reinstall webview and it works now you can close the ticket

if anyone else has the same problem this was the method that let me reinstall

How to reinstall Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime

L.12 The launcher will not close to perform an update.

If you are stuck in this loop, check your game installation folders for inconsistencies.

Found why my game folder is so big, i got the winrar file and the unzipped install folder in the same location. so 3x8 is 24

Now I solved it. uninstalled the whole thing. reinstalled it again without all the extra folders inside and installed the launcher at its preelected location then it patched and now I can log in to server Dor Lomin

Additionally, you can also just try reinstalling the launcher.

L.13 Couldn't download the Launcher update package.

Reinstall the launcher.

🟣 Game Launch Issues

G.1 Unable to find the desired game display mode

Open Documents/The Lord of the Rings Online/UserPreferences.echoes.ini

Change FullScreen=True to FullScreen=False

- Users have also reported success simply deleting the UserPreferences.ini

G.2 LoadLibrary error code 1114 (Error code EC06045A)

Try installing the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable:

Download here


  • Make sure your Game Folder is not in Program Files.
  • Delete the userpref.ini file and try launching the game via echoessetup.exe as an Administrator.
  • Try running lotroclient in Windows XP (Service Pack 3) compatibility mode and disable fullscreen optimization.
  • Some users report the desktop shortcut not working

hey, Ok, I found my mistake. I have to use the original launcher. For some reason, the shortcut on the desktop doesn't work.

G.3 Black Screen Club Error Code C000008E

Laptop-only fix:

  • Switch power options to Battery Saver mode, then unplug the power cord.
  • Once the game launches, plug the power cord back in.
  • Switching to the Dx9-Vulkan version of the Borderless Windowed mod (found on Echoes discord) fixes this issue. -Kalevi

Desktop & Laptop fix:

  • Navigate to Graphics Settings → Browse and select lotroclient → Set to Power-saving GPU.

Here is a detailed fix that worked for one user:

The game works with d3d10 (had to change it in the ini) but i wanted to play with d3d9 so.

In the ini search for the line GraphicsCore and change d3d9 to d3d10. if you want to write it down, i didnt actually gave the launcher admin rights to start with d3d9 since the launcher wont work with admin rights... i gave admin rights to the echoessetup.exe (the installer), changing compatibility mode to xp sp3 in the lotroclient.exe and starting the game worked. For now i always have to start the echoessetup.exe to play the game but I am fine with it

Set the echoessetup to always start as admin, very important. If not you will get an error cause the game normally cant be started with compatibility mode set to winxp sp3 without admin rights super crazy stuff xD

Heres install order how to fix the issue 
 1. Download echoessetup.exe 
 2. Always start the echoessetup.exe as admin 
 3. Set compatibility mode for lotroclient.exe in the game folder to winxp sp3. 
 4. Always start the game with echoessetup.exe.

I set lotroclient.exe compatiblity mode to winxp (service pack 3) and disabled fullscreen optimization, and I started echoessetup.exe with admin rights.

G.4 EC06007E Error Code 126

This is a pesky issue with a range of different noted solutions. Some things to try:

  • Install Microsoft 2015-2022 Redistributable

Download here

  • Try to install Directx

Download here

  • Check Runtime Libraries
  • Update Video card drivers

    When I opened normally through launcher that error still always pops but if i open EchoesSetup.exe as admin and let that open launcher, I don't get error and I can play.

G.5 httpclient.timeout 100 seconds

Upon launching echoes of angmar launcher it gets stuck on waiting on realmlist which then times out with "the request was canceled due to the configured httpclient.timeout of 100 seconds elapsing.

This ended up being pre-installed Norton security issue.

  • Bypass the firewall to allow the game to connect.

G.6 Contact the application Vendor for assistance

Try turning off your antivirus and running the game as Administrator.

G.7 Error 0xCFFFFFFF

If you have these symptoms (client freezes on startup, on exit the launcher reports error 0xCFFFFFFF), edit the file pl.cfg in your main client folder. Put a c on the empty line.

It will look like this:

# Echoes PL Config File

# This file allows you to disable features that don't work on

# your system, as directed by a GM. If you are never asked to

# do so, there is no point in playing with this file.


# Enter your text above this line.

One user fixed this by running Special K borderless mod on Dx11 instead of Vulcan

I ran the Special K Fix as DirectX11 instead of Vulkan

Loaded up completely fine

This is also possible from a corrupt installation. Please follow the instructions for a clean wipe and do a fresh installation.

G.8 Game Error [127]

The game encountered a fatal Windows API issue while attempting to start. Try rebooting your machine and starting the game again. [127]

  • This can happen if you tab out of the game immediately after starting it from the launcher.
  • Wait until the game has loaded its first splash screen.

G.9 Game Error C0000005

Error: ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xC0000005) - Read failure

This error presented when a current Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable was installed, however, it must have been an outdated version.

Uninstalling and Reinstalling the latest version fixed the issue.

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable:

Download here

G.10 Game crash after 'Connection Successful'

If your game crashes to desktop after the connection successful loading screen, it is likely due to a space or special character in your username. Please reach out for assistance in resetting this.

I added echoes to my taskbar quickly before it crashed (just to see what would happen) and now when I click on it, I get this error. Maybe its helpful?

Game Error [205] The game client was passed invalid command-line parameters.

G.11 Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

  1. Close the launcher.
  2. Copy the file "[Windows drive]:\Users[username]\AppData\local\Echoes of Angmar Launcher\EchoesLauncher.config" to a safe place (as backup).
  3. Delete the folder "[Windows drive]:\Users[username]\AppData\local\Echoes of Angmar Launcher"
  4. Run the launcher again.


The error appeared after my laptop froze while logging into the game, and I turned it off with a button.

Total cleaning of all main and temporary files via %temp% + reinstalling the game helped me solve the problem

🟡 In-Game Issues

C.1 Resolution bug

  • Navigate to your game installation folder.
  • Right-click on lotroclient.exePropertiesCompatibility tab
  • Modify the DPI scaling settings. You may also want to try changing High DPI Settings.

Additional fix:

  • Delete old .ini files.
  • Insert a known good .ini file UserPreferences.echoes
  • Set the resolution to 800x600 manually, then set to 1920x1080 once in-game.

C.2 Game lag after screen recording

  • Reset your Windowed resolution to Custom.

[glff] Eightofspades: 'any1 elses game running poorly, like laggy, mouse slow to respond ?'

[glff] Eightofspades: 'hasnt been the same since I recorded hitting cap delivering pie yesterday'

[glff] Eightofspades: 'think i found problem, windowed resolution had set to custom'

C.3 Game Crash w/ sound device

  • The client may crash when resetting your sound device (e.g., turning off or re-plugging your headset).

Troubleshooting Archive

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