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Men of Bree

From Echoes of Angmar


Men of Bree is a reputation faction located in Bree.

The Men of Bree have stood as a bastion of commerce and stubborn strength in the north since nearly the beginning of the Third Age. Since the fall of Arnor, they have kept a wary eye upon the cursed Barrow-downs, prepared to face the dark evil that slumbers there, waiting to awaken at its master's heed.


In an Alley in the south of Bree, west of the Auction Hall (near the ghost and the Hunter trainer).

Gaining Reputation

Introductory Quest

Talk to: ?

General Quests

Reputation Barter Items

Talk to Tad Leafcutter
Introductory Quests

Barter Items

Item Usable at Drops from Rep gained from Vendor Quantity Required
File:Barrow Treasure-icon.png Barrow-treasure Neutral Everything in Haudh Iarchith 300 10
File:Cardolan Trinket-icon.png Cardolan-trinket Acquaintance Everything in Haudh Iarchith 700 1

Mobs Defeated

None known


The deeds in Haudh Iarchith.

Crafting Quests

Profession: Woodworker. Talk to Maggie Smallwood.
Introductory Quests

Barter Items

Item Usable at Woodworker level required Rep gained from Vendor Quantity Required
File:Wooden Figurine-icon.png Wooden Figurine Neutral Artisan 300 5
File:Bree-spear-icon.png Bree-spear ? Master 500 5
File:Viol-icon.png Viol ? Master 700 1



Access to the Bree Hunting Lodge (forge and oven) Access to the Bree Reputation Vendor

Reputation Vendor Items:

  • Lay of the Free Peoples' Theme Decoration: Ambient Music
  • Blue and White Tent Decoration: Huge Yard
  • Red and Gold Tent Decoration: Huge Yard
  • Ruined Stone Dais Decoration: Enormous Yard


Ability to use recipes and weapons that are available at the reputation vendor.

  • Repair Anvil Recipe (Requires Expert Weaponsmith)
  • Award of Men's Virtue Trait (+1 Justice/Patience/Confidence)
  • Scholar's Cupboard Decoration Recipe (Requires Artisan Woodwoorker)
  • Scholar's Round Table Decoration Recipe (Requires Artisan Woodwoorker)
  • Westernesse Lute (Sets Chant of the Oathbreaker damage type to westernesse. Minimum level 39)
  • Westernesse-Make Greatsword (Two-handed Sword. 54-77 Westernesse Dmg, 23.4 DPS, 2.8 Speed, Wield: Your hit-chance is slightly increased. +7 Might, +7 Vitality and +13 Fate. Minimum level 39, Loyalty Rank 2)
  • Westernesse-make Longbow (44-69 Westernesse Dmg, 23.4 DPS, 2.4 Speed, +1% Auto-attack Critical Hit Chance Reduces ranged skill induction time. Requires Wisdom Rank 2, Minimum level 39.)
  • Westernesse-make Longsword (One-handed Sword. 34-48 Westernesse Dmg, 20.5 DPS 2.0 Speed. Wield: Your Hit-Chance is slightly increased. +13 Agility, +7 Will and +7 Fate.)
  • Westernesse-make Spear (33-45 Westernesse Dmg, 20.5 DPS, 1.9 Speed. +7 Might, +7 Agility, +13 Vitality. Spear-pierce: 9 Common Dmg every 5 seconds for 15 seconds. Requires Confidence Rank 2. Minimum level 39.)
  • Westernesse-make Staff (50-68 Westernesse Dmg, 23.4 DPS, 2.5 Speed. +27 Will and +27 Fate. Requires Discipline Rank 2 Minimum level 39.)


  • Access to the Repair Vendor


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