Прозвища монстров
Titles are optional tags that players can add to their name to display their accomplishments. Monster Play Titles can be earned by completing quests and killing Freeps.
- Quest
- Gramsfoot
- Grimwood Lumber Camp
- Isendeep Mine
- Lugazag
- Tirith Rhaw
- Tol Ascarnen
- Slayer
- Free People
- Race
- Class
- Keep
Quest Titles
- Servant of Angmar - ??? Complete 6 intro quests.
Grimwood Lumber Camp
- Gundzor's Drudge - You have assisted Gundzor earning the rank of drudge. Complete 10 quests in service to Grimwood Lumber Camp.
- Gundzor's Flunky - You have continued to assist Gundzor earning the rank of flunky. Complete 25 quests in service to Grimwood Lumber Camp.
- Gundzor's Fist - You have become known to Gundzor as more than a servant; you are a defender of his post in the Grimwood. Complete 50 quests in service to Grimwood Lumber Camp.
Isendeep Mine
- Bùrzgoth's Thrall - You have assisted Bùrzgoth and earned the title of his thrall. Complete 10 quests in service to Isendeep.
- Bùrzgoth's Toady - You have continued to assist Bùrzgoth and earned the right to be his toady. Complete 25 quests in service to Isendeep.
- Bùrzgoth's Bootlicker - You have become known to Bùrzgoth as one who will do as he says, when he says. Complete 50 quests in service to Isendeep.
- Tharbil's Minion - You have assisted the master of Lugazag and earned the right to be at his beck and call. Complete 10 quests in service to Lugazag.
- Tharbil's Lackey - You have continued to assist the master of Lugazag and firmed your position as his servant. Complete 25 quests in service to Lugazag.
- Tharbil's Whip - You have become known to Tharbil as more than a servant; you are a defender of his post at Lugazag. Complete 50 quests in service to Lugazag.
Tirith Rhaw
- Servant to Barashish - You have assisted the master of Tirith Rhaw and earned station as his servant. Complete 10 quests in service to Tirith Rhaw.
- Hound to Barashish - You have earned greater favour of the master of Tirith Rhaw and can now be named a hound. A loyal dog. Complete 25 quests in service to Tirith Rhaw.
- Blade of Barashish - You have become known to Barashish as more than a servant; you are a defender of his post at Tirith Rhaw. Complete 50 quests in service to Tirith Rhaw.
Tol Ascarnen
- Trintrû Truckler - You have assisted the master of Tol Ascarnen and earned the right to be called a truckler. Complete 10 quests in service to Tol Ascarnen.
- Trintrû's Lickspittle - You have continued to assist Trintrû earning the right to be called his lickspittle. Complete 25 quests in service to Tol Ascarnen.
- Trintrû's Sycophant - None question your devotion to Trintrû, thus you are called his sycophant. Complete 50 quests in service to Tol Ascarnen.
Slayer Titles
Free People
- Tormenter – “You are known as a tormenter of the Free People.” [Complete Deed:Slay Enemies of Angmar Tier I]
- Black Dog – “Angmar casts a favouring eye upon you, you are known as an elite amongst their number. A hound of Mordirith; a Black Dog!” [Complete Deed:Slay Enemies of Angmar Tier II]
- Harvester of Sorrow – “The field of battle serves as a garden from which you reap the heads of the fallen. You are a true harvester of sorrow.” [Complete Deed:Slay Enemies of Angmar Tier III]
- Slayer of Light – “Light ebbs in your presence. Strength leaves the enemy as the darkness you bring clouds their hope and drives dread into their hearts.” [Complete Deed:Slay Enemies of Angmar Tier IV]
- Hand of Doom – “With your coming sounds the trump of Doom, for by your hand have many of the warriors of the Free People fallen bested by your might.” [Complete Deed:Slay Enemies of Angmar Tier V]
- Bane of the West – “You are known as the Bane of the West, for none of their warriors can stand against you, and windrows of their fallen lie heaped in your wake.” [Complete Deed:Slay Enemies of Angmar Tier VI]
- Herald of Darkness – “You are a herald of the Dark Lord. You have culled countless numbers from the field of battle and none escape your grasp.” [Complete Deed:Slay Enemies of Angmar Tier VII]
- Dwarf-foe – “Your victories against the bearded folk beneath the mountain brand you their foe.” [Complete Deed:Dwarf-killer Tier I]
- Dwarf-bane – “Continued efforts against the Dwarves earn you great glory. You are seen as their bane by others in Angmar's ranks.” [Complete Deed:Dwarf-killer Tier II]
- Dwarf-tosser – “Dwarves quake before you! You cleave and heave their bodies aside by the hundred!” [Complete Deed:Dwarf-killer Tier III]
- Scourge of the Undermountain – “When Angmar's Army moves beneath the world to face the Dwarves in their mountain homes, perhaps you shall be the one to lead it. You have proven yourself most adept at slaying these vermin!” [Complete Deed:Dwarf-killer Tier IV]
- Enemy of Valour – “Valour crumbles when you near. The Dwarves' courage spills from them as easily as their innards when you are about. The death delivered by your hands sunders hope.” [Complete Deed:Dwarf-killer Tier V]
- Elf-foe – “Your blade has tasted the flesh of many Elves and it desires the blood of more.” [Complete Deed:Elf-killer Tier I]
- Elf-bane – “Your name is known amongst the Elves. It is used to strike fear into the hearts of the young.” [Complete Deed:Elf-killer Tier II]
- Elf-slayer – “Your legend has grown so much amongst the Elves that you are now a true villian. They know only to run from you when you near them!” [Complete Deed:Elf-killer Tier III]
- Scourge of the Fair Folk – “All who draw breath and hold ties to the Elven Folk fear your blade. You drive their number from the fields of battle.” [Complete Deed:Elf-killer Tier IV]
- Enemy of Grace – “Grace falters when you draw close. There are none amongst the Elves who will stand before you. The destruction wrought by your hand has crippled grace.” [Complete Deed:Elf-killer Tier V]
- Hobbit-foe – “Slaughtering the little folk has earned you a mark of savagery against their kind.” [Complete Deed:Hobbit-killer Tier I]
- Hobbit-bane – “Your continued destruction of the little folk drives a spike of fear into their hearts.” [Complete Deed:Hobbit-killer Tier II]
- Hobbit-slayer – “Without compassion or care you flay flesh from the little folk and have become one of the most adept at culling their number from the world.” [Complete Deed:Hobbit-killer Tier III]
- Scourge of the Little Folk – “There are no little folk who dare stand before you. Your prowess over them is known to all as you tear through them with impunity.” [Complete Deed:Hobbit-killer Tier IV]
- Enemy of Innocence – “Your domination over the little folk is absolute. The blood spilled by your hands has soiled the innocence these creatures once enjoyed.” [Complete Deed:Hobbit-killer Tier V]
- Man-foe – “Men quake at the mention of your name, as your blade bites deeply into their flesh.” [Complete Deed:Man-killer Tier I]
- Man-slayer – “Your blade drinks the blood of Man freely. There are few who would stand against you!” [Complete Deed:Man-killer Tier II]
- Man-flayer – “Cleaving through the ranks of Men drives you to near frenzy. You are known for slaughter and tearing flesh from Men.” [Complete Deed:Man-killer Tier III]
- Scourge of Man – “Men fear you. There are none who do not know your name in battle and all Men quake in terror at its mention.” [Complete Deed:Man-killer Tier IV]
- Enemy of Honour – “Countless deaths by your hand tarnish Men. Their honour breaks as easily as their wills when you stride onto the fields of battle.” [Complete Deed:Man-killer Tier V]
- Snitch-killer – “You've hunted down a number of these annoying little backstabbers and shown them what it means to oppose the will of Angmar.” [Complete Deed:Burglar Slayer Tier I]
- Thief-slayer – “Those who would steal from the lords of Angmar will die by the sword, and at your hands many of them have.” [Complete Deed:Burglar Slayer Tier II]
- Burglar-basher – “Never trust a thief. For that matter, don't trust anyone.” [Complete Deed:Burglar Slayer Tier III]
- Bane of Shadows – “Burglars can run, but they cannot hide from you. You've killed a great many of these filthy little sneaks in your time.” [Complete Deed:Burglar Slayer Tier IV]
- Trickster's Scourge – “Tricksy and false? Hah! You've seen how 'tricksy' Burglars are when they are writhing in pain as you prepare to strike the killing blow. It's hardly even a sporting challenge any more.” [Complete Deed:Burglar Slayer Tier V]
- Captain's Foe – “These fools would lead the forces of Men? Then let them lead from the grave!” [Complete Deed:Captain Slayer Tier I]
- Captain-slayer – “Rally their allies to them as they might, you've cut through and killed many of these banner-waving cretins.” [Complete Deed:Captain Slayer Tier II]
- Banner-shredder – “The banners make them easy to spot on the battlefield, and ripe for the killing as you and your hordes fall upon them from the darkness.” [Complete Deed:Captain Slayer Tier III]
- Bane of Order – “Without their leaders, the forces of Men often fall to panic and cowardly flight. You have excelled at extinguishing these little sparks of false 'hope' upon the field of battle.” [Complete Deed:Captain Slayer Tier IV]
- Defiler of Lords – “Few things warm your dark heart quite like the crestfallen look upon the faces of your enemies as yet another of their Lords falls in battle before you. It is a sight you have enjoyed so very often...” [Complete Deed:Captain Slayer Tier V]
- Champion's Foe – “These self-righteous crusaders have often fallen before your own unheralded strength.” [Complete Deed:Champion Slayer Tier I]
- Slayer of Champions – “Champions respect strength above all else - a trait which you have displayed in plenty as you've hewed through their ranks.” [Complete Deed:Champion Slayer Tier II]
- Sword-breaker – “He who lives by the sword had best expect to die by it. You make a point of giving these fool Champions every opportunity to do so at your hands.” [Complete Deed:Champion Slayer Tier III]
- Bane of Courage – “What good is courage to one who lies, broken and bleeding beneath your feet? Who knows? Who cares.” [Complete Deed:Champion Slayer Tier IV]
- Doom of Heroes – “Hah! For self-styled 'Heroes', these Champions fall like wheat before the scythe of your power. They are no match for you, nor shall they ever be!” [Complete Deed:Champion Slayer Tier V]
- Guardian-killer – “These self-styled Guardians stand between you and the towns and villages of the West, which lie ripe for the plucking. The more of them you kill, the sooner you can start the looting.” [Complete Deed:Guardian Slayer Tier I]
- Sentinel-slayer – “Why would these iron-hided scum stand between you and the weak? You'll never understand it - but you've proven they can be swept aside all the same.” [Complete Deed:Guardian Slayer Tier II]
- Shield-breaker – “Though they carry great shields and clothe themselves in burnished steel, no-one may stand before the power of Angmar and live. You've seen to that.” [Complete Deed:Guardian Slayer Tier III]
- Guardian's Bane – “Defenders of the Weak indeed! Who then shall defend these supposed Guardians from you, eh? No-one, that's who...” [Complete Deed:Guardian Slayer Tier IV]
- Doom of the Stalwart – “Those who stand before the tide are doomed to drown in its fury. You charge in the vanguard of the endless armies of Angmar and crush those Guardians who dare to stand with armies of the West, without mercy or hesitation.” [Complete Deed:Guardian Slayer Tier V]
- Hunter-killer – “These vicious opponents would attempt to sap the strength of Angmar from afar, you've found it best to take the battle to them in person.” [Complete Deed:Hunter Slayer Tier I]
- Scout-blinder – “You've killed your share of the enemy's scouts. They would do better to cower behind their allies in battle, but then what's the sport in that?” [Complete Deed:Hunter Slayer Tier II]
- Bow-cleaver – “With neither shield or armour, Hunters make for easy prey upon the battlefield. Sure the arrows sting a bit, but pain is the mark of a true warrior.” [Complete Deed:Hunter Slayer Tier III]
- Hunter's Bane – “Ah, the joy when the tables are turned and the Hunter becomes the Hunted! So many of these miscreants have fallen before you now that you've nearly lost count.” [Complete Deed:Hunter Slayer Tier IV]
- Doom of the Archer – “Bows may be fearsome weapons in skilled hands, but they cannot protect their wielders from the swift and certain death that you bring upon them in battle. They are just more kindling for the bonfires of Angmar!” [Complete Deed:Hunter Slayer Tier V]
Lore Master
- Lore-master's Foe – “The Wise? feh! The truly Wise need understand only power. Those who profess wisdom in knowledge often die at your hands.” [Complete Deed:Lore-master Slayer Tier I]
- Sage-slayer – “No magic can protect these bookworms from your wrath. If they understood even a fraction of the power commanded by the Lords of Angmar, they would cower in abject surrender before death.” [Complete Deed:Lore-master Slayer Tier II]
- Staff-breaker – “What's so special about a staff? Just another stick to be broken - right before you break the one who wields it, as you have so often before.” [Complete Deed:Lore-master Slayer Tier III]
- Bane of the Wise – “What good are old books and a fine pointy hat when you've got three feet of steel protruding from your gut? None at all! You've proved the wisdom of that statement often enough.” [Complete Deed:Lore-master Slayer Tier IV]
- Scourge of the Learned – “No overblown scribe can challenge you on the battlefield. Scrolls, books, staves, robes - all shall burn in the bonfires of Angmar!” [Complete Deed:Lore-master Slayer Tier V]
- Minstrel's Foe – “What kind of fool comes to the battlefield to sing rather than fight? A dead fool.” [Complete Deed:Minstrel Slayer Tier I]
- Bard-slayer – “The songs of the West sound far more pleasing to your ears when they gurgle forth from a slit throat.” [Complete Deed:Minstrel Slayer Tier II]
- Harp-cutter – “The discordant snapping of strings, the splintering of wood, and the screams of the dying are all the music needed to accompany your rampage.” [Complete Deed:Minstrel Slayer Tier III]
- Troubador's Bane – “The leaderless scum of the West are said to believe that the world was born from a song. Perhaps, perhaps not, but the last music they shall hear before their fall shall be the war-drums of Angmar!” [Complete Deed:Minstrel Slayer Tier IV]
- Silencer of Songs – “In the wake of your passage, the fields of battle take on an unnatural stillness broken only by the moans of the dying. No songs escape from the lips of the fallen, for no life remains to utter them.” [Complete Deed:Minstrel Slayer Tier V]
Keep Titles
- Conqueror of Tol Ascarnen - You have defeated the captains of Tol Ascarnen. Kill the 4 First Marshals of Tol Ascarnen.
- Conqueror of the Towers - You have defeated the captains of the Towers. Kill the 4 First Marshals of the Towers.
- Conqueror of Ringdyr - You have defeated the captains of Ringdyr. Kill the 4 First Marshals of Ringdyr.
- Favoured of Mordirith - Mordirith, leader of Angmar in the stead of the Witch-king, looks upon you as a trusted servant. His favour will earn you greater favour with the Lugburz! Kill the 6 Captain Generals.