The Mathom Society
Внешний вид
The Mathom Society is a reputation faction located in The Shire.
The Hobbits of the Shire enjoy many fine leisure activities when they are not so busy eating or growing food. One such activity is the collection of mathoms, items that hobbits have no particular use for but hold onto anyway. The Mathom Society are a group of hobbits dedicated to the collection of such items, and they scour the countryside in search of new items to add to their collection, when they aren't busy planning a mathom society dinner that is!
Location and Dramatis personæ
The Mathom-house in Michel Delving in the Shire.
- Outside
- Greylond Bottomley - Mathom and Gift Mathom barter items quests & trade
- Baldwin Foxtail - crafting barter items quests and trade
- Inside the Mathom-house
- Eustoma Muddybanks - Well-kept Mathom barter item quest & trade
- Maneser Goodbody - rep items vendor
- Bungo Puddifoot - repairs
Gaining Reputation
Introductory Quest
- Odd Requests [35] Reputation gained: 500
General Quests
- Many Shire Quests (level 8+) give a Gift Mathom as part of the reward
- Most Oatbarton & Dwaling quests in Evendim give a Gift Mathom as part of the reward
- Listing of all quests that give a Gift Mathom by level and alphabetically.
Reputation Barter Items
Talk to Greylond Bottomley & Eustoma Muddybanks
Introductory Quests
- Mathoms - Introduction [35] Reputation gained: 700
- Well-kept Mathoms - Introduction [35] Reputation gained: 700
- Gift Mathoms - Introduction [5] Reputation gained: 1,200
Barter Items
Item | Usable at | Drops from | Rep Gained | Quantity Required |
File:Mathom-icon.png Mathom | Neutral | All humanoids 35+ | 300 | 10 |
File:Well-kept Mathom-icon.png Well-kept Mathom | Acquaintance | All humanoids 35+ | 700 | 1 |
File:Gift Mathom-icon.png Gift Mathom (Bind on Acquire) | Acquaintance | Shire Quest rewards | 700 | 1 |
Crafting Quests & Items
Profession: Cook. Talk to Baldwin Foxtail
Introductory Quests
- Seasoned Beef with Cauliflower - Introduction [?] Reputation gained: ?
- Strawberry Desert-wine - Introduction [?] Reputation gained: ?
- Honey-Roasted Chicken - Introduction [35] Reputation gained: 1,200
Barter Items
Item | Usable at | Cook level required | Rep Gained | Quantity Required |
![]() |
Neutral | Expert | 300 | 5 |
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Neutral | Artisan | 500 | 5 |
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Neutral | Artisan | 700 | 1 |
- Access to the Mathom-house
- Access to a Superior Study
- Purchasable Items
- Prized Mailbag
- Purchasable Items
- Award of Hobbit Virtue (Idealism/Empathy/Honesty +1)
- Butter Knife
- Hobbit Keg Decoration Recipe (Requires Artisan Cook)
- Large Feasting Table Decoration Recipe (Requires Artisan Cook)
- Pitchfork
- Shovel
- Small Feasting Table Decoration Recipe (Requires Expert Cook)
- Specimen Jar: Fireflies
- Purchasable Items
- Fine Long-sleeved Dress
- Tome of the Turtle (Lore-master)
- 'Tom Bombadil' Theme
- Large Tent
- Mushroom-growing Tent
- Purchasable Items
- Fine Long-sleeved Tunic and Pants