- Bane of Titans - You'd thought these great creatures must be legend and myth when you were told stories of them by your parents. Not any more. Their strength is as great as their size, and their bravery that of a creature that knows it is unmatched. Nevertheless, the valour of you and your companions has laid many of these titans low in battle.
- Slay 80 Giants.
- Bear-wrestler - You've heard that the giants sometimes breed the largest bears as pets - and that wouldn't surprise you. They grow them big here in the Misty Mountains - really big.
- Slay 120 Bears.
- Beast-hunter - The Snow-beasts that inhabit the Misty Mountains are odd creatures. You'd only heard vague tales of them before you came there, and most people would consider them myths, but you've fought enough of them to be quite sure they are real. Where they may have come from is anyone's guess. Perhaps the Enemy found them far in the distant North somewhere, beyond the boundaries of Man or Elf.
- Slay 120 Snow-beasts.
- Vanquisher of Trolls - As if the biting cold in the Misty Mountains wasn't bad enough, it seems to have given rise to a particularly unpleasant breed of troll. These creatures thrive in the ice and frost, and they lurk here waiting to crush and devour any traveller unlucky enough to stumble upon them.
- Slay 80 Trolls.
- Warg-hunter - Where there are goblins there are Wargs, and the Misty Mountains are no exception. Tempered by the deadly cold and harsh conditions, these Wargs have become particularly vicious and deadly but you've found them to be passable opponents at best.
- Slay 120 Wargs.
- Worm-bane - It is said that worms have long lived in the far north, among the desolate and frozen wastes. Alas, it seems only natural then that as the gates of Angmar have been laid open that they should have unleashed many of the creatures into the frozen peaks of the Misty Mountains, there to breed and to terrorize any who attempt the dangerous passage.
- Slay 120 Worms.