
来自Echoes of Angmar

This image shows the effects of the virtues at a glance. The darker the color, the higher the impact that virtue has.

Effect Cha Com Con Det Dis Emp Fid For Hsty Hnr Ide Inn Jus Loy Mer Pat Tol Val Wis Zea
Max Morale x x X
Max Power x X X
Morale Regen in Combat x x O
Morale Regen out of Combat X x x
Power Regen in Combat
Power Regen out of Combat x x x X X x
Wound Resistance X x O
Fear Resistance X O x
Disease Resistance x O X
Poison Resistance X x O
Ranged Vulnerability x X O
Magic Vulnerability O x X
Melee Vulnerability O X x
Shadow Mitigation X x O
Might X x x
Agility X O x
Vitality x x X
Will x x X
Fate x x X
Armour Bonus X x x
Effect Cha Com Con Det Dis Emp Fid For Hsty Hnr Ide Inn Jus Loy Mer Pat Tol Val Wis Zea
  • Light green = minor effect; dark green = significant effect.
  • An X inside a box indicates the effect gains in strength as you attain higher ranks in the virtue. An O indicates that the effect only gets stronger once (usually around rank 3 or 4) as you attain multiple ranks in the virtue. In a few cases, the effect never gets stronger at all.
  • Each virtue has three effects. Usually the effects are an increase in rate of morale regeneration or Power Regeneration, an increased resistance to a type of damage, and a bonus to a stat. Sometimes the virtue provides two increases to resistance.