Note that nearly all key and mouse commands can be remapped to the player's preference.
Check out this guide for Adding Shortcuts.
- Move Forward -- W or Up arrow
- Move Forward (Camera) -- Button 1 + Button 0
- Move Backwards -- S or Down arrow
- Turn Left -- A or Left arrow
- Turn Right -- D or Right arrow
- Strafe Left -- Q
- Strafe Right -- E
- Jump -- Space
- Walk Mode -- Insert
- Lock Run Forward -- Num Lock
- Quickslot 1 -- 1
- Quickslot 2 -- 2
- Quickslot 3 -- 3
- Quickslot 4 -- 4
- Quickslot 5 -- 5
- Quickslot 6 -- 6
- Quickslot 7 -- 7
- Quickslot 8 -- 8
- Quickslot 9 -- 9
- Quickslot 10 -- 0
- Quickslot 11 -- -
- Quickslot 12 -- =
Quickslot Bar 1
- QuickBar 1 Visibility -- Ctrl or Right Ctrl
- Quickslot 13 -- Ctrl + 1
- Quickslot 14 -- Ctrl + 2
- Quickslot 15 -- Ctrl + 3
- Quickslot 16 -- Ctrl + 4
- Quickslot 17 -- Ctrl + 5
- Quickslot 18 -- Ctrl + 6
- Quickslot 19 -- Ctrl + 7
- Quickslot 20 -- Ctrl + 8
- Quickslot 21 -- Ctrl + 9
- Quickslot 22 -- Ctrl + 0
- Quickslot 23 -- Ctrl + -
- Quickslot 24 -- Ctrl + =
Quickslot Bar 2
- QuickBar 2 Visibility -- Right Alt or Alt
- Quickslot 25 -- Alt + 1
- Quickslot 26 -- Alt + 2
- Quickslot 27 -- Alt + 3
- Quickslot 28 -- Alt + 4
- Quickslot 29 -- Alt + 5
- Quickslot 30 -- Alt + 6
- Quickslot 31 -- Alt + 7
- Quickslot 32 -- Alt + 8
- Quickslot 33 -- Alt + 9
- Quickslot 34 -- Alt + 0
- Quickslot 35 -- Alt + -
- Quickslot 36 -- Alt + =
Quickslot Bar 3
- QuickBar 3 Visibility -- Shift or Right Shift
- Quickslot 37 -- Shift + 1
- Quickslot 38 -- Shift + 2
- Quickslot 39 -- Shift + 3
- Quickslot 40 -- Shift + 4
- Quickslot 41 -- Shift + 5
- Quickslot 42 -- Shift + 6
- Quickslot 43 -- Shift + 7
- Quickslot 44 -- Shift + 8
- Quickslot 45 -- Shift + 9
- Quickslot 46 -- Shift + 0
- Quickslot 47 -- Shift + -
- Quickslot 48 -- Shift + =
Quickslot Bar 4
NOTE: Docking this quickslot bar will make it invisible in the default User Interface.
- QuickBar 4 Visibility -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 49 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 50 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 51 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 52 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 53 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 54 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 55 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 56 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 57 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 58 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 59 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 60 -- No key assigned by default
Quickslot Bar 5
NOTE: Docking this quickslot bar will make it invisible in the default User Interface.
- QuickBar 5 Visibility -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 61 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 62 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 63 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 64 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 65 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 66 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 67 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 68 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 69 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 70 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 71 -- No key assigned by default
- Quickslot 72 -- No key assigned by default
- Select Self -- \
- Select Nearest Foe -- Backspace
- Select Next Foe -- Tab
- Select Previous Foe -- Shift + Tab
- Select Fellow 1 -- F1
- Select Fellow 2 -- F2
- Select Fellow 3 -- F3
- Select Fellow 4 -- F4
- Select Fellow 5 -- F5
- Select Fellow 6 -- F6
- Select Nearest Fellow -- F8
- Select Nearest Player -- Ctrl + Tab or F9
- Select Next Player -- Shift + F9
- Select Previous Player -- Ctrl + F9
- Select Nearest NPC -- F10
- Select Next NPC -- Shift + F10
- Select Previous NPC -- Ctrl + F10
- Select Nearest Item -- Delete
- Assist -- F
- Skills Panel -- K
- Traits Panel -- J
- Crafting Panel -- T
- Map Panel -- M
- Character Journal Panel -- C
- Social Panel -- O
- Inventory Panel -- I
- Bag 1 -- Ctrl + F1
- Bag 2 -- Ctrl + F2
- Bag 3 -- Ctrl + F3
- Bag 4 -- Ctrl + F4
- Bag 5 -- Ctrl + F5
- Game Options Panel -- Ctrl + O
- Help Panel -- F7
- Toggle Quest Panel On/Off -- L
- Toggle Deed Log On/Off -- Shift + L
- Reply -- R
- Toggle Autoattack -- .
- Use Selection -- U
- Show Names -- N to toggle the display of names over objects in the game world – the four available modes are:
- all names off (the default)
- item names only
- character names and item names
- monster names, NPC names, character names, and item names
- Screenshot -- Prnt Scrn or F11 or Ctrl + P -- Screenshots are saved by default into My Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online\; use Alt + Prnt Scrn if you just want to capture to your Copy buffer.
- Detach Tooltip -- H
- Reposition UI -- Ctrl + \ (UK: Ctrl + #)
- Toggle HUD On/Off -- F12
- Logout -- Shift + Esc
- Voice Push to Talk -- Z
- Toggle Full-screen/Windowed mode -- Alt + Enter
- Play Note 1 -- 1
- Play Note 2 -- 2
- Play Note 3 -- 3
- Play Note 4 -- 4
- Play Note 5 -- 5
- Play Note 6 -- 6
- Play Note 7 -- 7
- Play Note 8 -- 8
- Play Note 9 -- Ctrl + 1
- Play Note 10 -- Ctrl + 2
- Play Note 11 -- Ctrl + 3
- Play Note 12 -- Ctrl + 4
- Play Note 13 -- Ctrl + 5
- Play Note 14 -- Ctrl + 6
- Play Note 15 -- Ctrl + 7
- Play Note 16 -- Ctrl + 8
- Play Note 17 -- Shift + 1
- Play Note 18 -- Shift + 2
- Play Note 19 -- Shift + 3
- Play Note 20 -- Shift + 4
- Play Note 21 -- Shift + 5
- Play Note 22 -- Shift + 6
- Play Note 23 -- Shift + 7
- Play Note 24 -- Shift + 8
- Reset Camera -- Num 0
- Rotate Camera -- Button 2
- Rotate Camera Left -- Num 4
- Rotate Camera Right -- Num 6
- Pitch Camera Up -- Num 8
- Pitch Camera Down -- Num 5 or Num 2
- Pan Camera In -- + or Num 9
- Pan Camera Out -- - or Num 7
- Toggle First/Third Person -- *
- Drop Camera -- Ctrl + .
Chat Channel Access
These are commands that are entered on the chat line. All commands are prefaced by '/'.
- advice -- usage: /advice <msg>
- auction -- usage: /auction <msg>
- channellff -- usage: /channellff <msg>
- channellfg -- usage: /channellfg <msg>
- encounter -- usage: /encounter <msg>
- f -- /f <msg> - send <msg> to the fellowship's chat channel
- general -- usage: /general <msg>
- k -- usage: /k <msg>
- ko -- usage: /ko <msg> - send <msg> to all officers of your kinship
- l -- usage: /l <msg> - send <msg> to LFF channel
- msg -- usage: /tell <target name> <message>
- o -- usage: /o <msg> - send <msg> to all officers of your kinship
- officer -- usage: /officer <msg> - send <msg> to all officers of your kinship
- ooc -- usage: /OOC <msg>
- r -- usage: /reply message
- ra -- /ra <msg> - send <msg> to the raid's chat channel
- regional -- usage: /general <msg>
- reply -- usage: /reply message
- retell -- usage: /retell message
- rt -- usage: /retell message
- say -- usage: /say <text>
- shout -- usage: /shout <text>
- t -- usage: /tell <target name> <message>
- tell -- usage: /tell <target name> <message>
- w -- usage: /tell <target name> <message>
- whisper -- usage: /tell <target name> <message>
Chat Interface Options
These are commands that are entered on the chat line. All commands are prefaced by '/'.
- chatfont -- usage: /chatfont set <text type> (bracket) font type(end bracket) <color type> chatfont fonts chatfont colors
- filter -- usage: /filter <tab> <add/remove/show> <type>
- filterlist -- usage: /filterlist
- fullircmode -- usage: /FullIRCmode < on | off | status >
Group and Pet Management
These are commands that are entered on the chat line. All commands are prefaced by '/'.
- invite -- usage: /finvite < player > alternative: /invite < player >
- kinship -- usage: /kinship < create | disband | recruit | accept | decline | quit | expel | promote | demote | motd | successor | resign >
- lfg -- usage: /lfg <on|off>
- lff -- usage: /lff <on|off>
- lfp -- usage: Marks yourself as looking for players matching your criteria.
- pet -- usage: /pet < attack | follow | stay | assist < on | off > | guard | aggressive | passive | skill1 | skill2 | skill3 | status | release | releaseall | rename <name>>
- raid -- usage: /raid < create | disband | invite | dismiss | promote | demote | swap | leave>
Game and Character Options
These are commands that are entered on the chat line. All commands are prefaced by '/'.
- adopt -- usage: /adopt
- anon -- usage: /anon <on|off>. Also available on "Fellowing" tab of the "Social" window. Use this option to hide from those Gold-Pushers.
- automove -- usage: /automove
- autotarget -- usage: /autotarget < on | off >
- changename -- usage: /changename <new name>
- damagetext -- usage: /damagetext < all < true | false > | other < true | false > | range < new range > | list >
- duel -- usage: /duel with a valid player target selected. Same as /spar.
- e -- usage: /emote <text>
- em -- usage: /emote <text>
- emote -- usage: /emote <text>
- emotelist -- usage: /emotelist
- friend -- usage: /friend add <name> : Adds a player to your friends list. friend remove <name> : Removes a player from your friends list. friend list : Displays the status of everyone in your friends list.
- ignore -- usage: /ignore add <name> : Adds a player to your ignore list. ignore remove <name> : Removes a player from your ignore list. ignore list : Displays the players you currently have ignored.
- me -- usage: /emote <text>
- music -- usage: /music
- rp -- usage: /rp <on|off>. Sets the "Role Playing" flag for your character.
- spar -- usage: /spar with a valid player target selected. Same as /duel.
- stuck -- usage: /stuck, will cause you to use your map home even when you are moving.
- trade -- usage: /auction <msg>
- tutorial -- usage: /tutorial <enable|disable|reset>
- who -- Finds players matching your criteria.
- yield -- usage: /yield
These are commands that are entered on the chat line. All commands are prefaced by '/'.
- alias -- usage: /alias < ;<new alias string> <replacement string > | add ;<new alias string> <replacement string> | remove ;<unwanted alias string> | list | clear | clearlist | shortcut ;<alias string> <shortcut location>>
- bug -- usage: /bug
- death -- usage: /milestone - defeat your character, allowing you to return to your last milestone.
- follow -- usage: /follow
- hart -- usage: /hart <add <type (0-5)> <description> | close <ID> | list>
- help -- usage: /help <cmd_name>
- inscribe -- usage: /inscribe <text>
- loc* -- usage: /loc
- localtime -- usage: /localtime
- location* -- usage: /loc
- milestone -- usage: /milestone - defeat your character, allowing you to return to your last milestone.
- played -- usage: /played
- servertime -- usage: /servertime
- shortcut -- usage: /shortcut < text <shortcut location> <text string> >
- uninscribe -- usage: /uninscribe <text>
- useselection -- usage: /useselection
- * - Note that /loc and /location are only useful for developers, as it gives out information for debugging. Use ;loc instead for useful X,Y coordinates.