Enmity of the Drakes II

From Echoes of Angmar

Reward: Power of the Eldar

Level: 35


Even with but a fraction of their elder kin's power, a drake is a deadly enemy indeed. Even among the Firstborn, it is a mark of honour to stand against such a creature victorious. No one knows from whence the drakes arose -- what creature did the Enemy find to twist into such a fearful shape and power as Dragon-kind? Their origins are hidden, even to the Elves.

Objective #1

Complete deed Enmity of the Drakes

Objective #2

Defeat drakes (x150)

For many long years, the powers of the Enemy were contained by the Eldar. It was not until the Dragons were unleashed upon them, unsuspecting, that their seige was broken and the world again threatened with enslavement.

Since those days the power of both Elves and Dragons has declined, but it is up to your valour and that of the Elves to ensure that their threat is exterminated before the last of your people departs from these shores, for rare indeed is the Man or dwarf who could hope to stand against such ancient power.