Evendim Goblin-Slayer (Advanced)

From Echoes of Angmar

Reward: +1 Justice


It seems that the goblins in southern Evendim have not yet come in great numbers, perhaps they are only here to harry the folk of the Shire and distract the Rangers from more important goals elsewhere? Nonetheless, the goblins use deep tunnels to move about beneath the sight of the keenest-eyed scout, so they can come forth suddenly in great numbers to wreak havoc upon the unprepared.

Objective #1

Complete deed Goblin-slayer

Objective #2

Defeat goblins in Evendim (x180)

You have taken a great toll upon the goblins in Evendim, but at times it seems like a futile gesture given the rate at which they replenish their numbers. Only an army could hope to inflict lasting harm on their forces.