Lotro Housing Guide[1]
by Silriel
Basic Information
Houses are more than an apartment interior floating in the ether. Houses in LOTRO live in gorgeously landscaped neighborhoods, where they have yards, sit along water, or nestle under cliffs. One size does not fit all! Players want choices about how their house looks, where they want to live, and who they want to live with, so we are offering a variety of options to fit many tastes. Houses are decorative and beneficial. They are fun to dress up and host parties at, but they also give the owner tangible benefits.
We set out to give choices to the Men, Hobbits, Elves, and Dwarves of Middle-earth. In LOTRO Housing, you choose from
- Four different racially-styled homesteads (landscaped areas containing many different houses). Each homestead has a distinctive architectural style and environment.
- Up to 250 instanced neighborhoods to each homestead, so you can settle down near your friends. Thirty different houses per neighborhood: 4 kinship houses, 10 deluxe personal houses, and 16 standard personal houses.
- Over 250 decorations to mix-and-match, including paint for walls and floors, rugs, bookshelves, welcome mats, scenic paintings, even background music!
You can be the elf who chooses to live amongst the Dwarves, but still decorate the interior of your home in the style of your homeland. Next door might live a hobbit who likes living close to Thorin's Halls for easy access to crafting forges. And a Kinship of stout Dwarves might own a great hall and host parties and recruiting events.
Who Are The Hobbits In Your Neighborhood?
Four homesteads will become available with the release of Book 11, each one in a different part of the world with a different neighborhood layout of houses, different building styles and appearances, and different natural settings. Each homestead expresses a different racial style, but don't worry-you don't have to be a hobbit to live in the Shire. Each homestead can have multiple instances of its neighborhood, each with its own unique name. Do you want to live in Stumphollow or in Overnotch? Hookworth or Holbroke? As the initial set of neighborhoods fill up, new ones will automatically open up to meet demand.
When you purchase a home, you're getting a yard and you're buying into a Neighborhood. Do you want a house by the water? On a hill? Underground? Near that cute windmill? Nestled in a cozy little corner? By a friend's house? Next to your Kinship House? We hope you like choices!
House Types & Floor Plans:
There are 3 different types of homes in each race neighborhood:
- Tier 1 - Standard: A small private home, usually 16 in each neighborhood, price around 1g, with a 50s upkeep per week, 1 Chest, with 19 Interior/5 Exterior placeholders for objects.
- Tier 2 - Deluxe: A deluxe private home, usually 10 in each neighborhood, price around 7g, with a 150s upkeep per week, 2 Chest, with 45 Interior/7 Exterior placeholders for objects.
- Tier 3 - Kinship: A house available to a leader of a kinship, usually 4 in each neighborhood, price around 14-17g, with a 300s upkeep per week, 3 Chest, with 71 Interior/10 Exterior placeholders for objects, (but purchasing limited to Kinship Rank 7)
If you don't pay the upkeep your house will vanish and the items can be retrieved from Escrow. If you abandon your house you will get no money back!
Standard Houses: (in order, Man, Hobbit, Elf, Dwarf)

Deluxe Houses: (in order, Man, Hobbit, Elf, Dwarf)
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Floor Plans: (Deluxe) Kin Houses: (in order, Man, Hobbit, Elf, Dwarf)
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Hooks - types and numbers
Standard House
Interior Hooks | Number |
Large Furniture | 2 |
Small Furniture | 3 |
Large Wall | 4 |
Small Wall | 3 |
Thin Furniture | 3 |
Special Furniture | 0 |
Ceiling | 0 |
Large Floor | 0 |
Small Floor | 2 |
Floor Surface | 1 |
Wall Surface | 1 |
Floor Color | 1 |
Wall Color | 1 |
Ambiental music | 1 |
Housing Container | 1 |
Exterior Hooks | Number |
Enormous Yard | 0 |
Huge Yard | 0 |
Large Yard | 1 |
Small Yard | 3 |
Doormat | 1 |
Deluxe House
Interior Hooks | Number |
Large Furniture | 4 |
Small Furniture | 5 |
Large Wall | 9 |
Small Wall | 9 |
Thin Furniture | 6 |
Special Furniture | 1 |
Ceiling | 1 |
Large Floor | 1 |
Small Floor | 2 |
Floor Surface | 2 |
Wall Surface | 2 |
Floor Color | 2 |
Wall Color | 2 |
Ambiental music | 1 |
Housing Container | 2 |
Exterior Hooks | Number |
Enormous Yard | 0 |
Huge Yard | 0 |
Large Yard | 2 |
Small Yard | 4 |
Doormat | 1 |
Bree-land Homesteads
In a quiet valley south and east of Bree, the Race of Man has created a settlement of houses and stores. A waterfall feeds into a swimming hole, and a brook leads off of it, winding through the center of the neighborhood where a few merchants have set up shop.

Address | House Type | Buy Price | Weekly Upkeep |
1 Long Street | Standard | 950s | 47s50c |
2 Long Street | Deluxe | 7g | 150s |
3 Long Street | Standard | 950s | 47s50c |
4 Long Street | Deluxe | 7g | 150s |
5 Long Street | Kinship | 14g250s | 285s |
6 Long Street | Deluxe | 7g | 150s |
7 Long Street | Standard | 1g | 50s |
8 Long Street | Kinship | 15g | 300s |
1 Garden Street | Standard | 1g | 50s |
2 Garden Street | Deluxe | 7g | 150s |
3 Garden Street | Standard | 1g | 50s |
4 Garden Street | Deluxe | 7g | 150s |
1 Fountain Street | Standard | 1g | 50s |
2 Fountain Street | Standard | 1g | 50s |
3 Fountain Street | Deluxe | 7g700s | 165s |
4 Fountain Street | Standard | 1g100s | 55s |
1 Broadford Street | Standard | 1g100s | 55s |
2 Broadford Street | Deluxe | 7g700s | 165s |
1 High Road | Kinship | 17g250s | 345s |
2 High Road | Deluxe | 8g50s | 165s |
3 High Road | Standard | 1g100s | 55s |
1 Chestnut Road | Standard | 1g150s | 57s50c |
2 Chestnut Road | Standard | 1g | 50s |
3 Chestnut Road | Standard | 1g | 50s |
4 Chestnut Road | Deluxe | 7g | 150s |
5 Chestnut Road | Standard | 1g | 50s |
6 Chestnut Road | Deluxe | 7g700s | 165s |
7 Chestnut Road | Standard | 1g100s | 55s |
8 Chestnut Road | Standard | 1g | 50s |
9 Chestnut Road | Kinship | 16g500s | 330s |
Falathorn Homesteads
The Elves built in Falathlorn, on the bank of the river Lune and winding upwards of sheer cliffs. Across the river from Duillond, there is a spectacular view of Split-finger in the Blue Mountains.

Address | House Type | Buy Price | Weekly Upkeep |
1 Haven Way | Standard | 1g150s | 57s50c |
2 Haven Way | Standard | 1g | 50s |
3 Haven Way | Deluxe | 7g | 150s |
4 Haven Way | Standard | 1g | 50s |
5 Haven Way | Standard | 1g | 50s |
6 Haven Way | Standard | 950s | 47s50c |
7 Haven Way | Deluxe | 6g650s | 142s50c |
8 Haven Way | Kinship | 15g | 300s |
9 Haven Way | Deluxe | 7g | 150s |
10 Haven Way | Standard | 1g | 50s |
11 Haven Way | Standard | 1g | 50s |
12 Haven Way | Standard | 1g | 50s |
1 Twinfall Path | Deluxe | 7g700s | 165s |
2 Twinfall Path | Deluxe | 7g | 150s |
3 Twinfall Path | Standard | 1g | 50s |
4 Twinfall Path | Deluxe | 7g700s | 165s |
1 Fairwood Lane | Standard | 1g | 50s |
2 Fairwood Lane | Standard | 1g | 50s |
3 Fairwood Lane | Deluxe | 7g | 150s |
4 Fairwood Lane | Deluxe | 7g | 150s |
5 Fairwood Lane | Standard | 1g | 50s |
6 Fairwood Lane | Deluxe | 7g | 150s |
7 Fairwood Lane | Kinship | 16g500s | 330s |
1 Waterbank Road | Deluxe | 7g | 150s |
2 Waterbank Road | Kinship | 15g | 300s |
3 Waterbank Road | Standard | 1g100s | 55s |
4 Waterbank Road | Standard | 1g100s | 55s |
5 Waterbank Road | Kinship | 17g250s | 345s |
6 Waterbank Road | Standard | 1g150s | 57s50c |
7 Waterbank Road | Standard | 1g100s | 55s |
Shire Homesteads
Ah, the Shire! Bucolic rolling hills, windmills, and freshly furrowed farmland fill these vistas. Find your own Hobbit hole, set a chair outside, and enjoy a pipe as the sun sets. Not to worry, tall folk, you're welcome too! Just mind your head on the door!

Thorin's Halls Homesteads
You can be happy underground in the Thorin's Halls homestead. Soaring caverns, natural rock bridges, stalactites and stalagmites, and houses built on stone columns surrounded by raging underground rivers.

How to buy a house?
If the house is for sale you click on the for sale sign and buy it on the spot. Or you can go to the vendor that is outside of the instance entrance and buy it from the vendor without seeing it first.
- Dwarf housing is outside Thorin's Hall, just follow the road south of the stables.
- Elf housing is just off the road between Duillond and the portal that leads to Needlehole, across the great bridge.
- Man housing is south of the Goblin swamp between Bree and the Forsaken Inn
- Hobbit housing is in south farthing ... remember the shrew holes, just go a little more south of that.
Where to purchase:
Brokers can be found close to the housing areas, just outside of it, though the bree one is a bit more of a walk than the rest. Also you can enter a neighborhood and scout one. Some may have a "For Sale" sign in front of it, detailing costs and upkeep and how much stuff you can put in.
The Personal Touch
Once you've made a tough choice between homesteads, neighborhoods, and houses, it's time to personalize your new home.
Neighborhood Furnishers
To get started, visit the Furnisher in your neighborhood and pick up a few things to place in your house or in your yard. Pick up some paints, maybe some new flooring, a bed, a bookshelf, or a couple of other pieces of furniture.
If you want to choose background music for your home, pick up a music box and place it inside your house. I recommend the Mathom Society's music box if you're fond of Tom Bombadil's musical predilections!
You can also buy crafting recipes from the Furnisher to make more decorations for yourself or your friends. If you want more options, pay a visit to the other three homesteads; each Furnisher has a few different items and recipes that only they provide.
Unique Reputation Decorations
For the intrepid crafter, each of our Reputation Factions offers items and recipes for crafting decorations. There's no better way to corner the market on a sought-after decoration than to be one of the few crafters with enough standing to learn these special techniques.
24 hour cooldown timer:
Please be aware that there is a 24 hour cooldown timer between when you first purchase a house and when you can purchase your next one. Additionally, houses are not immediately released for sale when you choose to abandon a dwelling.
Players who are in the cooldown period must simply wait for the timer to expire prior to trying again.
You can only buy 1 house per account, alts can not own a house (at this time)! Additional house usage
One of the useful feature is storage. A 30 slot chest. Only non-quest items can be place in the storage. You are restricted from placing BOUND items in the chest.
You also get a travel skill to map right to the door of your house. So you get another travel skill for your main character (alts might get it too at some later date).
When you own a home, you earn a Passive Skill which gives you a discount to purchases and repairs from the vendors in your neighborhood. What's more, if your kinship has a house in the same neighborhood, you get another discount which stacks with your personal house discount.
Go Home!
In addition to the discounts, you also receive a skill which allows you to travel instantly to your house. Kinship houses aren't left out, either-if you're in a kinship which has purchased a house, then you will receive a second skill to travel straight to your Kinship house.
You can set permissions for
- Entering the home.
- Paying Upkeep.
- Accessing the storage chests.
- To manage the permissions.
- ↑ Lotro Housing Guide by Silriel http://www.lotrolife.com/lotro_housing_guide/