Mastery Components
List of Dropped Items Used by Crafters:
Mastery items are used to increase chance of a critical success through the Mastery Option.
To use a mastery item you need to have completed both the Proficiency and the Mastery of the given tier of the item you wish to create.
Credit: Bizhat Mastery Items
Mastery Item | Profession | Tier Used | Region | Species | Area |
Dirty Bat Claw | Tailor | Apprentice | Breelands, Ered Luin | Bats | Old Forest, Erud Luin |
Dirty Bat Claw | Metalsmith | Apprentice | Breelands, Ered Luin | Bats | Old Forest, Erud Luin |
Dirty Hendroval Talon | Woodworker | Apprentice | Ered Luin | Hendrovals | North of Kheledul |
Dirty Neekerbreeker Eye | Weaponsmith | Apprentice | Shire, Breelands | Neekerbreeker | Midgewater Marsh |
Dirty Neekerbreeker Eye | Scholar | Apprentice | Shire, Breelands | Neekerbreeker | Midgewater Marsh |
Dirty Neekerbreeker Wing | Woodworker | Apprentice | Shire, Breelands | Neekerbreekers | Midgewater Marsh |
Dirty Shrew Claw | Tailor | Apprentice | Shire | Burrowing Shrews | Around the river and in the fields around Budgeford |
Dirty Shrew Claw | Metalsmith | Apprentice | Shire | Burrowing Shrews | Around the river and in the fields around Budgeford |
Dirty Shrew Claw | Woodworker | Apprentice | Shire | Burrowing Shrews | Around the river and in the fields around Budgeford |
Dirty Spider Eye | Scholar | Apprentice | Breelands , Ered Luin | Spiders | North of Kheledul, Midgewater Marsh, Chetwood |
Dirty Toad Eye | Scholar | Apprentice | Shire, Breelands | Silver-River Toad | Around Bywater and Frogmorten, Buckland Bridge |
Small Wight Barrow Treasure | Jeweller | Apprentice | Ered Luin | Wights | Ruins North of Kheledul |
Mastery Item | Profession | Tier Used | Region | Species | Area |
Blackened Barghest Ear | Weaponsmith | Journeyman | Breelands | Barghests | Barrow-downs |
Blackened Crawler Egg Sac | Scholar | Journeyman | Breelands | Worms | Barrow-downs |
Blackened Huorn Heartwood | Woodworker | Journeyman | Breelands | Huorns | Old Forrest |
Blackened Huorn Root | Metalsmith | Journeyman | Breelands | Huorns | Old Forrest |
Blackened Spider Eye | Scholar | Journeyman | Breelands | Spiders | Chetwood, North of Kheledul |
Broken Neekerbreeker Horn | Woodworker | Journeyman | Breelands | Neekerbreakers | Midgewater Swamp |
Clean Barghest Tail | Tailor | Journeyman | Breelands | Barghests | Barrow-downs |
Clean Barghest Tail | Metalsmith | Journeyman | Breelands | Barghests | Barrow-downs |
Diminutive Wight Barrow Treasure | Jeweller | Journeyman | Breelands | Wights (>L18) | Barrow-downs |
Dusky Huorn Heartwood | Woodworker | Journeyman | Breelands | Huorns | Barrow-downs, Old Forrest |
Dusky Huorn Root | Tailor | Journeyman | Breelands | Huorns | Burrow Downs, Old Forrest |
Dusky Lynx Claw | Metalsmith | Journeyman | Lonelands | Lynxes | East of Forsaken Inn |
Dusky Lynx Claw | Jeweller | Journeyman | Lonelands | Lynxes | East of Forsaken Inn |
Dusky Lynx Claw | Weaponsmith | Journeyman | Lonelands | Lynxes | East of Forsaken Inn |
Orthodox Wight Barrow Treasure | Jeweller | Journeyman | Breelands, Lonelands | Wights (Level 18+) | Barrow-downs in Greater Borrows and East of Ost Guroth |
Mastery Item | Profession | Tier Used | Region | Species | Area |
Clean Drake Tail | Tailor | Expert | North Downs | Drakes | Near Angmar Zone |
Decrepit Wight Skull | Metalsmith | Expert | Lonelands | Wights | East of Ost Guroth |
Flawed Huorn Heartwood | Woodworker | Expert | Lonelands | Huorns | Agamaur |
Flawed Huorn Heartwood | Scholar | Expert | Lonelands | Huorns | Agamaur |
Flawed Spider Eye | Scholar | Expert | North Downs | Spiders | |
Flawed Warg Ear | Scholar | Expert | North Downs | Wargs | Near The Snares and Fornost |
Huge Drake Tail | Tailor | Expert | Trollshaws, Angmar | Drake 43+ | Giant Valley - Trollshaws, East Angmar |
Huge Drake Tail | Weaponsmith | Expert | Trollshaws, Angmar | Drake 43+ | High Moor, East Angmar |
Huge Wight Barrow Treasure | Jeweller | Expert | Trollshaws | Wights (Level 38-40) | Nan Tornaeth - Trollshaws |
Jagged Bear Claw | Weaponsmith | Expert | North Downs | Bears | Fornost Bears & west of ranger camp by dwarven town in North Downs |
Large Warg Tail | Metalsmith | Expert | Lonelands, North Downs | Wargs | Lonelands - West of Ost Guruth and North Downs in the Field of Fornost |
Large Warg Tail | Tailor | Expert | Lonelands, North Downs | Wargs | Lonelands - West of Ost Guruth and North Downs in the Field of Fornost |
Scarred Huorn Heartwood | Woodworker | Expert | Lonelands | Huorns | Garth Agarwen, Angmaur |
Shaggy Auroch's Tail | Weaponsmith | Expert | North Downs | Aurochs | Fornost and East of Esteldin |
Shimmering Wight Barrow Treasure | Jeweller | Expert | Lonelands | Wights (Level 30+) | Swamp SE of Ost Guroth |
Mastery Item | Profession | Tier Used | Region | Species | Area |
Extremely Sharp Cave Claw Talon | Woodworker | Artisan | Trollshaws, Angmar | Cave Claws | Ost Durgonn (TS), Ram Duath area of Western Angmar |
Grey Wolf Ear | Metalsmith | Artisan | Trollshaws, Evendim | Wolves | Drauglad - Trollshaws, The Glooming Falls - Evendim |
Huge Drake Tail | Jeweller | Artisan | Trollshaws, Angmar | Drake 43+ | Giant Valley - Trollshaws, East Angmar |
Huge Worm Eye | Metalsmith | Artisan | Trollshaws, Angmar, Misty Mountains | Worms | Northern Trollshaws, Angmar Swamp, and Misty Mountains. |
Scarred Spider Eye | Scholar | Artisan | Angmar | Spider | Nan Amlug East just south of the Western Ram Duath pass |
Scarred Worm Eyes | Scholar | Artisan | North Downs, Angmar | Worms | Fornost, Western Ram Duath |
Very Shaggy Aurochs Tail | Tailor | Artisan | Trollshaws | Aurochs (+35) | Nan Tornaeth - Trollshaws |
Very Sharp Aurochs Horn | Woodworker | Artisan | Trollshaws | Aurochs (+35) | Nan Tornaeth (Trollshaws) |
Very Sharp Bear Claw | Woodworker | Artisan | Trollshaws, Evendim | Bears | Nan Tornaeth (Trollshaws) |
Very Sharp Lynx Claw | Weaponsmith | Artisan | Trollshaws | Lynx | High Moor |
Mastery Item | Profession | Tier Used | Region | Species | Area |
Huge Spider Eye | Scholar | Master | Trollshaws, Angmar | Spiders | North Trollshaws, East Angmar |
Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw | Jeweller | Master | Angmar | Turtles | North of the Human Village |
Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw | Metalsmith | Master | Angmar | Turtles | North of the Human Village |
Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw | Tailor | Master | Angmar | Turtles | North of the Human Village |
Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw | Weaponsmith | Master | Angmar | Turtles | North of the Human Village |