
From Echoes of Angmar

The virtue displayed is set to it's maximum rank(8) you can acquire in Book 11.


Virtue Rank: 8
You have learned the value of Mercy. You find that you are able to recover your Power more quickly outside of combat, are able to defend against magical attacks more easily, and have superior agility.
+5.5 Power Regen Non-Combat
-2% Tactical Vulnerability
+6 Agility

Deed Quick View Zone
+1 Bree-land Wight-Slayer (Advanced) 80 Wights Bree-land
+1 Lone-lands Wight-Slayer (Advanced) 120 Wights Lone-lands
+1 Redeemer (Advanced) 180 Shades North Downs
+1 Trollshaws Wight-Slayer (Advanced) 240 Wights Trollshaws
+1 Angmar Wight-Slayer (Advanced) 300 Wights Angmar
+1 Limrafn-Slayer (Advanced) 240 Lims Evendim
+1 Grave-digger (Advanced) 300 Wardens Bree-land
+1 Nemesis of the Fallen (Advanced) 200 Spirits Bree-land