No Place for Spoiled Pies
Reward: +1 Patience✨
Recover Holly Hornblower's spoiled pies
Objective #1
Complete quest Lobelia's Pie
Objective #2
Retrieve the spoiled pie from Brockenborings
Retrieve the spoiled pie from Budgeford
Retrieve the spoiled pie from Bywater
Retrieve the spoiled pie from Frogmorton
Retrieve the spoiled pie from Hobbiton
Retrieve the spoiled pie from Little Delving
Retrieve the spoiled pie from Michel Delving
Retrieve the spoiled pie from Needlehole
Retrieve the spoiled pie from Scary
Retrieve the spoiled pie from Stock
Retrieve the spoiled pie from Tuckborough
Retrieve the spoiled pie from Woodhall
Objective #3
Holly Hornblower is north of Hobbiton's main square.
Holly is waiting to thank you for retrieving her spoiled pies from all throughout the Shire.
Talk to Holly Hornblower