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Scouting the Dourhands

From Echoes of Angmar


Search out the strongholds of the Dourhand brigands.

Objective #1

Find Ringdale

The Blue Mountains are dotted with ruins dating back to the elder days when the ancestors of the Dourhands ruled a vast kingdom, ruined when Beleriand fell. Ringdale is one such ruin.

Find The Grimwater

Thr Grimwater is a large lake south and east of Thorin's Hall. The Dourhands have built an encampment here, from where they raid merchant wains and travellers passing between Thorin's Hall and the eastern lands.

Find Spire of Kheledûl

This obelisk memorializes the founding of the port of Kheledûl in Thorin's time. The Dourhands have claimed the city as their last true stronghold in the Blue Mountains.

Find Kheledûl Docks

The ships which harboured at thiese docks once ferried goods along the western coast of Middle-earth to the White Mountains in the south. Now, the Dourhands use them to barter with the dark land of Angmar to the north.

Reward: +1 Fidelity

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