The Farms of the Shire
Reward: +1 Tolerance✨
Farming represents the heart of the Shire, and farmsteads can be found throughout -- the largest of which surround the town of Michael Delving.
Objective #1
Explore the Farms of the Shire.
Find Dora Brownlock's Farm
Dora Brownlock owns one of the largest farms near the sleepy village of Waymeet. She has been having troubles with wolves recently.
Find Bamfurlong
Bamfurlong is the land owned by Farmer Maggot, one of the most respected farmers in the Marish.
Find Old Odo's Leaf-farm
Old Odo Burrow once held the largest leaf farm in the Southfarthing, though it has now fallen to ruin.
Find South Fields
The Delving Fields are the largest farmhold in the Westfarthing, providing foodstuffs for much of the Shire.
Find Appledores
Farmer Appledore grows some of the sweetest fruit in all the Shire.
Find Puddifoot's Fields
Cam Puddifoot grows a variety of vegetables, but he is best known for his honey. Unfortunately, his bees are often threatened by bears.