Burglar Deeds

From Echoes of Angmar

The standard class deeds will reward you with class traits that enhances your skills. The Legendary traits are the most powerful of class traits. Some of them significantly improves your skills, or provide you with new powerful skills. Click on each trait reward to see detailed information about the class trait.

Standard Deeds

Deed Name Level Trait Reward Objective Daily Limit
Cunning Wound (Deed) 1 Cunning Wound (Trait) Strike with Cunning Attack (x500)
Swift and Subtle (Deed) 1 Swift and Subtle (Trait) Strike using Subtle Stab (x1250)
Perplexing Riddle (Deed) 1 Perplexing Riddle (Trait) Use Riddle (x200)
Hidden Dagger (Deed) 1 Hidden Dagger (Trait) Use your special Stealth attacks (x300)
Focused Eye (Deed) 10 Focused Eye (Trait) Use the Aim skill (x750)
Side-step (Deed) 10 Side-step (Trait) Evade enemy attacks
Trickster (Deed) 10 Trickster (Trait) Use Dust in the Eyes (x1000)
Strike from Shadows (Deed) 20 Strike from Shadows (Trait) Land Critical blows when using Stealth (x400)
Footpad (Deed) 20 Footpad (Trait) Use your Diversion skill successfully (x500)
Disabling Attack (Deed) 20 Disabling Attack (Trait) Use Disable against an enemy (x600)
Opportunist (Deed) 20 Opportunist (Trait) Use Counter Defence (x350)
Overwhelming Odds (Deed) 30 Overwhelming Odds (Trait) Execute Fellowship Manoeuvres (x150)
Leaf-walker (Deed) 30 Leaf-walker (Trait) Use your Hide In Plain Sight skill (x250)
Blind Fury (Deed) 30 Blind Fury (Trait) Use Enrage against your enemies (x400)

Legendary Deeds

Deed Name Level Trait Reward Objective Daily Limit
The Book of Knives 42 Reward 1 Objective 1 Limit 1
Knee-breaker's Manual 44 Reward 2 Objective 2 Limit 2
The Expert's Guide to Dirty Fighting 46 Reward 3 Objective 3 Limit 3