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Call to Greatness

From Echoes of Angmar

Call to Greatness

You call out to a fellow, inspiring him to greatness
Cost: 234 Power Power
Range: 25m Range
250 Silver 

Skill values are taken from base level 50 character without any traits or equipment

Class Effect
Burglar +15% damage to positional attack skills. Surprise Strike is recovered every 5 seconds.
Captain Grants a defeat event. Grants the Battle-readied state every 5 seconds.
Champion Grants a defeat event and 2 Fervor. Grants 1 Fervour every 5 seconds.
Guardian +25% threat generation. Grants the Guardian's Ward effect every 5 seconds.
Hunter −10% threat generation and grants 3 Focus. Grants 2 Focus every 5 seconds.
Lore-master −3% chance for enemies to resist Blinding Flash. Recovers Blinding Flash every 5 seconds.
Minstrel +10% to healing done. Recovers Chord of Salvation every 5 seconds.
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