Captain Skills

From Echoes of Angmar
Revision as of 16:10, 22 May 2023 by Classic-Andy (talk | contribs)

Active Skills

Ability Category Level Range Description
Words of Courage Heal 14 25 Initially heals your target for a moderate amount, and then heals more over time
Muster Courage Buff 16 30 Removes current Fear effects and temporarily buffs Fear resistance
Escape from Darkness Rez 20 30 Revive defeated companion (usable in combat)
Inspire HoT 22 Attacks your target, and heals your Shield-brother over time
In Harm's Way Buff 36 Briefly absorbs all damage dealt to your fellowship
Noble Mark Debuff 12 6 Damages foe while temporarily helping your Herald in combat.
Make Haste Buff 8 30 Allows your Fellowship to run.
Rallying Cry heal+HoT 1 30 Heals your Fellowship
Routing Cry Debuff+AoE 8 7 Demoralizes foes and causing Light Damage
Telling Mark Debuff 6 40 Increases chance that your Fellowship will critically wound the mark
War-cry Buff 4 30 Increases attack speed after defeating a foe
Revealing Mark Debuff 30 40 Damage dealt on the marked restores morale of the attacker.
Cry of Vengeance Buff 32 30 Power buff for your Fellowship
Battle Shout Damage 1 20 Does some light damage and initiates a Battle-readied State
Defensive Strike Melee+Buff 1 3 Defensive attack that briefly increases armour
Devastating Blow Melee 2 3 Battle-readied attack with increased crit damage (initiates a Battle-hardened State)
Cutting Attack Melee+Bleed 4 3 Attack that causes the target to bleed
Pressing Attack Melee 10 3 Battle-readied attack that allows you two swings for medium damage (initiates a Battle-hardened State)
Last Stand Buff 22 You can't be dealt a final blow while this skill is active
Threatening Shout Threat 26 40 A cry that increases the chance your target will attack you
Blade of Elendil Melee+Buff 30 Battle-hardened attack that also buffs your fellowship with the Light of Elendil
Grave Wound Melee+Threat 42 A melee attack that increases the chance your target will attack you (more effective if used while target bleeds from Cutting Attack)
Kick Melee+Buff 44 Interrupts any time-delayed actions your target is attempting
Call To Arms: Herald of War Herald 10 Banner increases might and agility
Motivating Speech Buff 16 15 Increases maximum morale of your fellowship
Shield-brother Buff 22 Marks one of your fellows as your Shield-brother
Call To Arms: Herald of Hope Herald 24 Banner increases morale and regeneration
Call To Arms: Herald of Victory Herald 34 Banner increases power and regeneration
Command Respect Buff 40 10 Causes players around you to kneel
To Arms Buff 40 Increases your Shield-brother's damage
Withdraw Detaunt 46 10 Lowers your threat to the opponents around you, but decreases your damage
Strength of Will Buff 48 Increases the effect of healing abilities on your Shield-brother
Time of Need Buff 50 Initiates a Battle-readied State