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=== Articles of Mystery & Implements of Knowledge (Level 45) ===
=== Articles of Mystery & Implements of Knowledge (Level 45) ===
{| class="wikitable"
|[[Burglar Skills|Skills]] - [[Burglar|Traits]] - [[Burglar Deeds|Deeds]]
|[[Captain skills|Skills]] - [[Captain traits|Traits]] - [[Captain deeds|Deeds]]
|[[Champion skills|Skills]] - [[Champion traits|Traits]] - [[Champion deeds|Deeds]]
|[[Guardian skills|Skills]] - [[Guardian traits|Traits]] - [[Guardian deeds|Deeds]]
|[[Hunter Skills|Skills]] - [[Hunter traits|Traits]] - [[Hunter deeds|Deeds]]
|[[Lore-master skills|Skills]] - [[Lore-master traits|Traits]] - [[Lore-master deeds|Deeds]]
|[[Minstrel Skills|Skills]] - [[Minstrel traits|Traits]] - [[Minstrel deeds|Deeds]]

Revision as of 02:54, 29 May 2023

A keeper of ancient lore, the Lore-master uses his knowledge of ancient wisdom to stave off the advance of the shadow for a time. He can use this knowledge to attack his foes or to treat the wounds and suffering of his companions. He can even communicate with animals and request their aid.

Races: Elf, Man

Role: Crowd control/ Pets

Is this the class for me?

The Lore-master will be the class of choice for players who enjoy using the power of ancient lore to aid their allies and hinder their foes. Steeped in the history of Middle-earth, Lore-masters are able to aid their fellows in recovering from maladies caused by the forces of the Dark Lord. They can also use their knowledge to daze, harm or hinder their enemies, as well as to give of themselves to strengthen another. Their combat style is anchored in the power of knowledge and using it wisely to defeat evil.

Lore-master Pros and Cons
Strengths Weaknesses
Long-ranged spells Light armour only
Variety of pets Limited weapon choice
Serious crowd-control skills Some difficulty dealing with too many mobs while soloing
Some healing ability (both for self and allies

Skills and Combat

Active Skills

Cures of the House of Healing

Ability Category Level Power Cost Range Description
Leechcraft Buff 10 20 25 Cures wounds
Tend the Sick Buff 16 36 25 Cures disease

Friend of the Animals

Ability Category Level Power Cost Range Description
Raven-lore Pet 4 11 n/a Summons raven pet
Friend of Bears Pet 14 11 n/a Summons bear pet
Lynx-speech Pet 30 11 n/a Summons lynx pet
Eagle-Friend (Legendary) Pet 45 124 n/a Summons eagle pet
Rabbit-speech Pet 29 124 n/a Summons non-combat pet hare
Turtle-speech Pet 29 124 n/a Summons non-combat pet turtle
Bird-speech Pet 29 124 n/a Summons non-combat pet sparrow
Fox-speech Pet 29 124 n/a Summons non-combat pet fox
Squirrel-speech Pet 29 124 n/a Summons non-combat pet squirrel
Cat-speech Pet 29 124 n/a Summons non-combat pet cat
Dog-speech Pet 29 124 n/a Summons non-combat pet dog
Frog-speech Pet 29 124 n/a Summons non-combat pet frog
Snake-speech Pet 29 124 n/a Summons non-combat pet snake

Fury of Nature

Ability Category Level Morale Cost Power Cost Range Description
Burning Embers Damage 1 10 30 Fire damage and DOT
Gust of Wind Damage + Debuff 12 12 7 40 Common damage + 7% miss debuff
Light of the Rising Dawn Damage 18 12 7 30 Light damage + stun
Cracked Earth Damage + delayed Root 22 12 7 25 Fire damage + delayed root
Ents go to War (Legendary) Damage + Stun 41 129 82 15 AoE fire damage + stun
Lightning Storm Damage 50 326 129 25 Massive AoE damage

Healing and Motivation

Ability Category Level Morale Cost Power Cost Range Description
Beacon of Hope Heal 4 12 10 25 Heal ally/pet
Inner Flame Heal 16 1 Transfer Power to Morale

Lore of the Second Age

Ability Category Level Power Cost Range Description
Fire-lore Debuff 2 6 40 Debuffs enemies
Wind-lore Debuff 8 23 40 Debuffs enemies
Herb-lore Root 36 23 40 Roots enemies
Air-lore Buff 124 25 Buffs target to reflect damage
Knowledge of the Lore-master Inspect 112 40 Inspects enemies strengths and weaknesses
Storm-lore Damage + Stun 326 40 AoE Damage + stun

Lost Knowledge

Ability Category Level Morale Cost Power Cost Range Description
Power of Knowledge 6 40 Transfers Power from enemy to you
Blinding Flash Stun 10 6 40 Stuns enemy
Wisdom of the Council Buff 20 20 Increases Morale
Share the Power Heal 24 63 25 Transfers Power from you to ally
Test of Will Stun 26 12 6 40 Damage and stun enemy
Ancient Wisdom Buff 30 7 Increases Will
Call to the Valar 34 20 Renew certain skill cooldowns
Back from the Brink Res 32 5 revives a defeated ally -- requires Shire Sweet-leaf
Ancient Craft Debuff 0 260 10 Decreases enemies armour
Bane Flare Stun 0 62 10 5s Stun + 10s mezz on the Dead
Sticky Tar Debuff 0 124 Creates an area that slows enemies & makes them more vulnerable to fire
Warding Knowledge Creatures of Nature Debuff 0 124 Creates an area that debuffs trees & roots
Warding Knowledge Dead Debuff 0 124 Creates an area that debuffs the Dead
Warding Knowledge Drakes Debuff 0 124 Creates an area that debuffs Worms and Drakes

Melee Skills

Ability Category Level Power Cost Range Description
Staff-Strike Damage 1 9 3 Weapon damage
Improved Staff-strike Damage 3 Weapon damage

Signs of Ancient Magics

Ability Category Level Power Cost Range Description
Sign of Power: Command Debuff 1 6 40 Debuff enemy
Sign of the Wild: Protection Buff 6 6 40 Buff pet
Sign of the Wild: Rage Buff 8 6 40 Buff pet
Sign of Power: Wizardry DoT 14 6 40 Dot enemy, gain Morale
Sign of Power: Righteousness 28 6 40 Clear negative effects
Sign of Power: Vigilance Buff 32 6 40 Increases stealth detection

Passive Skills

Armour Proficiencies

Weapon Category Level Description
Light Armour 1

Combat Characteristics

Name Level Cost Description
Evade Rank 1 7 4  90   Adds 1.0% to Evade Chance
Parry Rank 1 9 8  10   Adds 1.0% to Parry Chance
Accuracy Rank 1 11 12  10   Reduces Miss by a medium amount.
Critical Rank 1 15 22  50   Adds 1.0% to Critical Hit Chance
Parry Rank 2 17 28  90   Adds 1.0% to Parry Chance
Accuracy Rank 2 19 36  10   Reduces Miss by a medium amount.
Critical Rank 2 23 52  90   Adds 1.0% to Critical Hit Chance
Evade Rank 2 25 62  50   Adds 1.0% to Evade Chance
Parry Rank 3 27 72  90   Adds 1.0% to Parry Chance
Accuracy Rank 3 31 96  10   Reduces Miss by a medium amount.
Accuracy Rank 4 39 152  10   Reduces Miss by a small amount.
Evade Rank 3 43 184  90   Adds 1.0% to Evade Chance

Instrument Proficiencies

Name Level Cost
Specialized Equipment 1 starting proficiency
Clarinet Use 5 2  50  
Lute Use 5 2  50  

Misc. Passive Skills

Name Level Cost Description
Books of Lore 20 40   Allows the use of books of lore
Friend of the Wild 29 n/a Allows the use of non-combat companions

Weapon Proficiencies

Weapon Category Level Description
Two-Handed Staves 2H 1

Lore-Master Traits


Name Level Reward Task Limit per Day
Master of the Staff 1 Master of the Staff Use Staff-Strike against your foes (600)
Power and Wisdom 1 Power and Wisdom Draw Power from your enemies (250)
Light of Hope 1 Light of Hope Use Beacon of Hope (600)
Master of Beasts 1 Master of Beasts Use Sign of Protection (500)
Deep Lore 10 Deep Lore Use your Lore Skills against enemies (500)
Healer 10 Healer Heal your fellows with Leechcraft (250) 40
Beast-lore 10 Beast-lore Use Sign of Rage (300) 60
Dúnadan-Learning 20 Dúnadan-Learning Use your Signs of Power (1,000)
Harmony with Nature 20 Harmony with Nature Use Cracked Earth (400)
Subtlety of Wisdom 20 Subtlety of Wisdom Use Blinding Flash against enemies (400)
Awareness of Body 30 Awareness of Body Use Wisdom of the Council (100)
Proof against all Ills 30 Proof Against All Ills Use Tend the Sick (300)
Knowlege of the Past 30 Knowledge of the Past Use Ancient Wisdom (300)
Magic Adept 30 Magic Adept Use Share the Power (750)
Legendary Deeds
Name Level Reward Task
Book of the Beast 42 Noble Savage Find missing pages (8)
Lore of the Blade 44 Sword and Staff Find missing pages (8)
Of Leaf and Twig 46 March of the Ents Find missing pages (8)


Name Level Source Description Line Bonus
Awareness of Body 20 100 Wisdom of the Councils Reduction to the morale costs on overt displays of magical power.
Beast-lore 8 300 Sign of the Wild: Rage The Combat Prowess of your pets are increased.
Deep Lore 2 500 Fire-lore / Wind-lore / Herb-lore Increases number of targets for Lore Skills (herbs, fire, and wind)
Dúnadan-learning 14 1000 Sign of Power: Command / Sign of Power: Wizardry Increased duration and effectiveness of signs
Flame of Anor 30 level 30 class quest Increased damage of fire-based skills
Hardy Bear 15 level 15 class quest The Power of your bear-friend is increased
Harmony with Nature 20 400 Cracked Earth Bonus to power costs on avert displays of magical power
Healer 10 250 Leechcraft You are more adept at healing others.
Knowledge of the Past 30 300 Ancient Wisdom All of your skills have a chance to restore a small amount of Power
Light of Hope 4 600 Beacon of Hope Improved Beacon of Hope
Magic Adept 24 750 Share the Power All your magical skills have a lower cost to your power
Master of Beasts 6 500 Sign of the Wild: Protection Improved Signs of the Animals
Master of the Staff 1 600 Staff-Strike Improved Staff-Strike
Power and Wisdom 6 250 Power of Knowledge Improved Ancient Wisdom and Power of Knowledge
Proof Against All Ills 16 300 Tend the Sick Tend the Sick and Leechcraft have an area effect, and Leechcraft can be used in combat
Subtlety of Wisdom 10 400 Blinding Flash Reduced threat for using skills
Sword and Staff (Legendary) 39/41 Complete the book Lore of the Blade Allows dual wielding of sword and staff, adds to melee offense and defense
March of the Ents (Legendary) 39/41 Complete the book Of Leaf and Twig AoE melee attack
Noble Savage (Legendary) 39/41 Complete the book The Book of Beasts Your pets have better morale, attack increase and defensive capabilities
Eagle-Friend (Legendary) 45/50 Complete the level 50 class quests You are a friend of the Eagles and may summon one to aid you

Class Quests

A Well-Ordered Mind (Level 15)

A Lore-master's Will (Level 30)

Articles of Mystery & Implements of Knowledge (Level 45)

Burglar Captain Champion Guardian Hunter Lore-master Minstrel
Skills - Traits - Deeds Skills - Traits - Deeds Skills - Traits - Deeds Skills - Traits - Deeds Skills - Traits - Deeds Skills - Traits - Deeds Skills - Traits - Deeds