
From Echoes of Angmar
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Every region has a variety of settlements where you can rest and recuperate, clean out your inventory, purchase new adventuring supplies, and regroup with allies. Each location's amenities vary on the size and location.


See main page: Angmar

Angmar is the stronghold of the Witch King. Here he gathers his armies and prepares for war. For those that courageously take the fight to the shadow there are few areas of respite within the shadowed lands.


A settlement of Hillmen, Aughaire is perched in the foothills separating Angmar and the North Downs.They remain independent of the Dark Lord and their brethren who have already sworn their service to Carn Dum, but they can not stay that way for long without aide.

Gath Forthnir

This hidden sanctuary is guarded by the Dúnedain and refuge to the Council of the North. Gath Forthnir is on the doorstep of Carn Dum and survives only by its secrecy as it spies on the Witch King's own fortress.


A stronghold of the Dwarves in Eastern Malenhad. Gabilshathûr is a newly founded mining outpost that finds itself beset by foes with the return of the Witch King.


See main page: Bree-Land

Bree-Land has several settlements, most are located in the center of the region and are inhabited Men and Hobbits predominantly.


See: Map of Archet

Just North of Bree, Archet rests on the Western edge of the Chetwood.This peaceful village has oft been considered one of the most peaceful areas in Eriador until recently.


See: Map of Bree

Bree or Bree-Town is the Capital city of the Bree-Land. All races are ushered to Bree upon completion of their starter areas. A crafting and social hub, Bree is veritable hive of activity. Don't forget to visit the Prancing Pony and taste the finest ale in the North.


Buckland is the ancestral home of the Brandybuck hobbits. Located just south of the Brandywine bridge on the Eastern shore of the Brandywine river. Brandy Hall is atop and within Buck Hill on the Southern end of Buckland and is home to an expansive library.


Combe is just outside Bree's Northeastern gate and sits in a valley between Bree and Archet. Home to the Combe and Wattle Inn and the Combe Crafting Hall, there is always opportunities for new adventurers passing through Combe.


South of Combe and East of Bree is the market village of Staddle. The many Hobbit farms of the Staddle supply Bree with fresh produce and are always in need of adventurers willing to help.

Ered Luin

See main page: Ered Luin

The Blue Mountains, as Ered Luin is known in Westron, are home to Dwarves, Elves and Goblins aplenty. From the mountain fastness of Thorin's Hall to the bustling vineyards and docks of Celondim there is much need for the strong backs and hearts of young adventurers.


The Docks of Celondim are on the western shore of the River Lune. The hills surrounding Celondim are flush with vineyards and lumberyards. Elven Craftsmen and trainers ply their trade within the town, and will pass their knowledge on to those who show ability and interest in their professions.


Built after the fall of Edhelion, Duillond sits above the bridge to the Shire. Contending with the brigands of the Dourhand Clan and the Goblins of Sarnur, the elves of Duillond struggle to gather the lumber for their White Ships.


The fortress at the center of Ered Luin was once an elven stronghold but after its abandonment during the fall of Edhelion it was rebuilt by the dwarves of Thorin's Hall. Gondamon is the linchpin of the Free Peoples defense in Ered Luin, all those who stand against the shadow are welcome within the fortress.


A secure outpost along the trade route from Thorin's Hall to Gondamon. Noglond acts as a resting place and resupply point for caravans making the dangerous trek past the ancient ruins of Sarnur.

Thorin's Hall

Capital city of the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains this great hall was founded by Thorin Oakenshield. Thorin's Hall is a marvel of dwarven craftsmanship, and is home to some of the great forgemasters of Middle Earth. Any who are in need of arms or armor woujld be well served by visiting the forges of Thorin's Hall and learning from the master smiths.


See main page: Evendim




Ost Forod


Lone Lands

The Forsaken Inn

Ost Guruth

Misty Mountains

North Downs





The Shire






Michael Delving





